Data Management, Marketing Analytics, Performance & Attribution

The Modern Marketers are in Pursuit of MarTech ROI. The Only Answer is Mastering the MarTech.

MarTech ROI

Though blessing to the marketing community, the opportunity of constantly and ever-changing MarTech landscape are always giving nightmares to the modern marketing people as the volume and diversity of technologies and tools evolving can be overwhelming.

Wipro Digital recently declared a brand-new study that indicates the growing importance of MarTech-related skills for marketing groups across the U.S. and U.K. The study indicated that despite the stress on MarTech experience, several marketing departments are troubled to reap the complete potential of their investment and deliver expected ROI. whereas the survey found that almost all marketers are assured in their own MarTech proficiency, they are involved with their team’s ability to execute and deliver results from their MarTech investments. The study additionally indicates the growing importance of MarTech-related skills and also the barriers to fitting MarTech into the larger digital transformation image. So, how are CMOs progressing to bridge this disconnect? Our exclusive QuickTech Infographic version of the Wipro Digital study summarizes the key findings and makes it simple to induce your key takeaways at a look.

Key findings of the study include:

  • 81% of respondents indicate that it is necessary for CMOs to have qualifications in MarTech or similar skills.
  • 84% of respondents reported that their organization already has reskilling programs already,
  • 90% and above marketing operating models have changed due to MarTech adoption.
  • 43% respondents said that effectively integrating MarTech with other technical systems is a major barrier to MarTech’s overall success.
  • And in the end, 62% of CMOs plan to raise their MarTech spending in 2019.

But before that, here is what Andy Coghlan who is a Global Business Head of MarTech & eCommerce transformation at Wipro Digital has said about the evolution of MarTech and how trending marketing people have to master and use it.

He said that in today’s ever-changing digital economy, successful CMOs and marketing practitioners must have a strong understanding of the uses and advantages of marketing technologies and the know-how to use new tools in such a way that they create tailor-made and accessible experiences for users. Additionally, CMOs who fail to showcase a proficiency in MarTech and the new plans they enable and require will see their marketing groups fail to deliver pure results relative to their competitors. Smart marketers know exactly how technologies are not solutions but they are more of powerful tools which require diligence and a thoughtful strategy in order to be used effectively. But when used properly, the results are revolutionary. Perhaps, which is why the number of MarTech companies has ballooned from a few decades ago to around 7000 today.

Also Read –Matchmade raises €4.25 million, expands to Twitch and reveals plan to open US Head Office.

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